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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Be the fun cool guy; don’t put her on a pedestal!

When you’re out in a social setting it’s important to remember to just be the fun cool guy.

Now what does that mean exactly?

It means just go out and have fun, be self-entertained, remaining detached from outcome, not drawing your sense of state and happiness from others around you, and not being affected negatively by external factors. 

What a lot of guys looking to pick up women tend to do when they go out is they forget the main reason they came out was to have fun, they instead get stuck in “PUA mode” and get caught up in trying to make everything work or get certain results. Consequently getting stuck in your head will usually ruin the interaction.

Remember when you’re going out, you are going out to have fun! You shouldn’t feel pressured to prove your self to the women or anyone else in your environment. When you’re in an interaction you should be coming from the frame of you just being a cool guy, having fun that’s just putting him self out there, and giving her a chance to indulge in the fun with you and prove if she’s good enough for you.

Where a lot of guys go wrong is they get so caught up in external beauty that they’ll do anything to get it and obsess over the girl, even though the girl is totally wrong for them. Thinking that they’re not enough or that she’s better then them they become needy; needing the interaction to go well, they start qualifying them self’s to her because they put her on a pedestal.

Guy’s remember no girl is better then you! Everyone on this planet is equal.  Think about it, most guys think or feel that she’s better because she’s “hot”; well think about this what’s going to happen 40 years from now when she’s old and ugly? The only thing that is going to be left is her true self. If she was a nice good person she will still be beautiful, if she on the other hand was a horrible scumbag that just so happened to be hot she’ll be looking real ugly when her external beauty is gone. So don’t put any girl on a pedestal, at the end of the day she’s just a girl, she isn’t better than you because of how she looks or what reproductive organs she has.

When your approaching women come from the buyer’s perspective not the sellers. You aren’t going up trying to sell your self to them, you’re using qualification to see if she’s worthy of being around you, now with this you need to know what you want in a women (not physical attributes!) so that you know what to qualify her on, and what requirements she needs to meet for you to deem her worthy of your time and effort. Remember when you first glance at someone you don’t know that person you don’t know their status or what their like; all you know is that you would or wouldn’t mind getting to know them and that they may or may not be physically attractive so don’t assume they are better than you, because that hot girl could easily be weirder, more insecure, and have a bigger list of issues than you.

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