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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Breaking Rapport & Pre Opening/opening multiple sets to Build Attraction Part 2

Pre Opening/opening multiple sets

Pre opening a lot of people in the venue early in the night is a very powerful way of setting up your night for success.

What is pre opening? Pre opening is opening a set that lasts less than 10 seconds, if you stay in the interaction more then 10 seconds you’re just doing a regular opener.

Pre opening can be as simple as using a functional opener to ask where the bathroom is, giving them a quick compliment, or sharing a fun or funny moment with the person then breaking rapport, if you break rapport with a person and leave a positive image of you in their head & it’ll be easier for you to approach them later.

What are the results of pre opening a set and the interaction going well? Hopefully they will remember you from earlier on and instead of thinking who is this random stranger trying to talk to me, they’ll remember the positive memory of you and they’ll most likely be warm and friendly towards you instead of being closed guarded and hostile.

Now how do you use this affectively to set your night up for success? Well when you go into a venue you’re usually not in the party state and you need to warm up to get in state; pre opening can be your warm up because it is low pressure and not a big deal. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if you aren’t in the social state, you haven’t talked to anyone in the venue and the first person you try to go up to is the “10” in the club, it is probably not going to go well for you. You’ll probably be to intimidated to do it and you’ll waste your night just standing in the corner trying to get your self to do it.  Then if you finally muster up the courage to approach you are most likely going to be feeling a lot of overwhelming anxiety and nervousness because you haven’t talked to anyone prior to going up to the most intimidating person in the venue, you’ll get stuck in your head instead of being present to the moment, and eventually end up getting blown out. Instead of approaching the most intimidating set in the club, you should just go around and pre open a bunch of people, it could be anybody, this will increase your social momentum with every approach and quickly get you in the social mood, it will also build your social proof because people will see you going around talking to women having fun, and by the time you finally get to the “10” approaching and talking to her will be nothing for you because you’ve been having fun talking to people all night.

Another way of using this is lining up interactions you want to have later on, for example say there are multiple women in the venue you’d like to get to know, instead of leaching on to one and following her around all night, not approaching anyone else hoping it’ll work out between the two of you, you can pre open them all in the beginning of the evening, give a reason for you guys to meet up later, then you can meet up later for the reason you told them. If you do that you have multiple sets who will most likely welcome you with open arms instead of judging stares which makes your life much easier.

Something that is crucial to remember that a lot of guys forget when they go out is that you can come back to a set that you’ve opened, you don’t need to stick around all night. Go out and have numerous interactions.

If your talking to a women earlier on in the night she might want to end the experience with you and do something else; it doesn’t always mean you did something wrong. Think about it people go threw a lot of hassles to get all dressed up and look their best when they come out, they don’t want to only chill with the first person they talk to or have only one experience, they want multiple good experiences throughout the night. That’s why it is important to know when to break rapport and to not get to upset if things are going good and she breaks rapport with you. It’s perfectly fine to break rapport and come back later, the women will most likely appreciate the fact that you don’t leach on to her and be more attracted to you because you going around talking to multiple women and having a good time with out her which builds your social proof because it shows you’re a man in demand that other women want.

Opening multiple sets in the night will help increase your chances of success. Say you’ve lined up your interactions using pre opening and now your going back to those sets trying to close; because you have multiple options to choose from, if during the interaction you find out you are not that interested in that person you can cut off the interaction and go to another one that way you don’t have to waste your time and effort on someone you have no interest in. Also if you get multiple contact details for example 10 if two numbers flake on you, you still have the other 8 so your night wasn’t the complete waste of time it would have been had you only interacted with one women that night.

To sum up pre opening is a great way to get into state quickly, build social momentum, build social proof, and line up interactions. Opening multiple sets increases your rate of success because you have more options, and breaking rapport at the right time is a way to make sure she wants to see you again apposed to running away when she see’s you again.

I hope you have found this information helpful; if you haven't read part 1 yet on breaking rapport click this as it has crucial information , please leave a comment I would love to hear your success stories and what you think, so subscribe and stay tuned in for more.

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