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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Qualification, what is it?

Qualification is assessing whether a person is a potential fit for a product or service you have. Qualifying is the act of assessing if something or someone is a proper fit for you. You can think of qualifying as a filtration process, you’re filtering out bad qualities you don’t want until your find a suitable match with the qualities you want.

How do you use it?

Everyone has qualifiers; you need to identify the qualifiers in people you want such as: the person does not have a negative personality, they have a sense of humor, they share similar values, they’re into yoga. Once you know what you're looking for you know what questions to ask, so instead of wasting a whole night or even worse getting into a relationship with someone that’s not suited for you for months or even years, you can reduce all of that time into minutes by simply asking qualifying questions in your first interaction with the person to determine whether or not you should invest your time in that person.

Why is it important?

Plain and simple if you do not qualify, you will not find what you are looking for!
If you don’t qualify people, your dating life will pretty much be a stab in the dark, always getting in and out of bad relationships or not even being able to form a relationship because you have no clue what you want! Think about it how can you get what you want if you don’t know what you’re looking for? And even if you do know what you’re looking for how can you find it if you don’t filter your interactions for the things that you’re looking for?


Say for example a woman, who only likes attractive, wealthy guys that live a fast flashy lifestyle, and are only concerned about superficial things, wants a serious relationship and love. She is wondering why she is constantly cheated on and used by men, then left for the next girl. The reason why she is getting cheated on and used so frequently is because she isn’t qualifying for men that are looking for long term loving relationships, she’s qualifying the type of men who generally will cheat on women and not care because of the lifestyle they live and the values they hold. It’s not that all guys are dogs like some women like to say, it’s the guys that they pursue who are dogs, and if they would like to find a guy who wont cheat or abuse them they need to change they’re qualifiers.

Instead of only qualifying for who can buy her love she should be qualifying for who will build the love with no price tags attached, instead of only who is physically attractive, look for a combination of both aesthetics and inner beauty with more emphasis on inner rather than outer to name a few.  Now in a new scenario say it was a man trying to find the good loving relationship things he would qualify are the types of women to avoid such as gold diggers, players, spoiled brats, and party girls. You want to avoid these types of women because they usually have characteristic traits like being selfish, needy, insecure, and untrustworthy which make them undesirable girl friends.

I hope you’ve found this information helpful please comment rate and subscribe if you like it.

For more information on the 5 types of girls to stay away from check out the link below

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