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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Breaking Rapport & Pre Opening/opening multiple sets to Build Attraction Part 1

Breaking Rapport
Building and breaking rapport can be a very powerful tool when building attraction. When you’re having a conversation with someone there are peaks and dull points in the interaction. What a lot of guys do is break rapport during the dull point of the conversation; but doing this will usually leave you with undesirable results.

Don’t break rapport during a dull moment or you will leave a dull negative memory of you in her head, you should instead break rapport during a high peak in the interaction. A lot of guys might be thinking why would you break rapport when it’s going good?

Well think about this, say for example someone gave you a piece of cake, and that piece of cake was the most delicious mouth watering slice of heaven you have ever tasted in you life; the very thought of that cake makes your mouth water, and you feel the same euphoric feeling you got when you first bit into it. Now imagine having them take back their cake and you have to sit there and watch them enjoy eating it. In that scenario what is most likely to happen is you would crave more cake because it was so good but you didn’t get enough, and now you can’t wait for the chance to taste it again. You might even go out of your way to try and get some more.

Well when you break rapport with a woman at a high point in the interaction the same thing happens, she is left with a good, fun, positive image of you and when the person remembers you, they remember experiencing the fun positive emotions that they want to feel. Braking rapport at a high point will leave her wanting more of what she can’t have and hopefully thinking of getting some more.  This will also demonstrate high value to the girl, it shows her that she isn’t the center of your world and you wont just drop everything you where doing to be with her all night like every other guy. Your time is valuable and limited; this is reflected by your need to go because you have your prior engagements you have to attend to, or you needing get back to your friends, what ever reason you come up with for breaking rapport. Your not worried that you wont see her again so your not nervous about breaking this interaction and going around having other ones, allowing her to do the same because you’re a cool confident guy, which are things women are attracted to.

So remember when you’re talking to women at a venue its ok to walk away and have other interactions, don’t be the annoying guy who follows her around all night until she can’t stand you and is looking for excuses to get away from you, or leave at a dull point. Break rapport when it is going good say something like “ You know what, I’m being really rude to my friends I should really get back to them, so lets exchange contact info because I really want to continue this conversation with you later” then give her a hug and get back to your friends or go open a new set.

I hope you’ve enjoyed part one of this two part blog on breaking rapport and have found it helpful, stay tuned in for part two on pre opening as it will have information that will add on to what you learned in this post and give you insights on how to enhance those skills and have a great night out.

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