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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Being detached from outcome

What does it mean to be detached from outcome?

Being detached from outcome means you are not attached to any outcomes or desires.

When you are detached from outcome you have a lot less let downs in life because you aren’t attached to outcomes or desires. When you expect specific results and they have to be EXACTLY the way you want it, down to every last little micro detail, when ever they don’t go exactly as planned your positive state is disrupted and replaced with anger, anxiety, doubt, fear and many other unappealing emotions.

How does this apply to pick up?

When you are talking to women and you depend on outcomes such as you making her laugh, having sex with her, getting along with her you’ll generally end up repelling the things you want away from you. This will usually happen because when you depend on the outcome you become needy, desperate, and validation seeking.

Instead of getting caught up in the outcomes, don’t let how things unfold affect your emotions or mood, roll with the punches, re-calibrate to the situation, and keep moving forward. You’ll usually find that this mindset will not only help you produce better results but keep you happy for what get, and not freaking out about what’s not going exactly how you would like it to.

Now this doesn’t mean you can’t want things, you can, but don’t be fixated on to many specific details because in life things change. What you might want badly today could be a faded memory tomorrow, like when you really want a girl, then you objectively look at the situation and realize getting with her would have been a huge mistake.

If you were attached to the outcome of being with her you would still try to make it work even if you know it wont, which will cause you turmoil instead of you getting to move forward on to better things. Being detached from outcome is crucial for pick up because it cuts down the amount of needy and validation-seeking behaviors you exhibit which ruin you interaction.

I hope you’ve found this helpful. Please leave a comment and follow us on social media like twitter and facebook.